Full Application Process
Step 1:
Determine when you'd like to go abroad, and familiarize with the application deadline for that term.Step 2:
Schedule a Getting Started advising appointment with our Peer Advisor intern.Reach out to the Education Abroad Coordinator at the University of Montana (studyabroad@umontana.edu) for questions, advice, and any concerns.
Let your academic advisor know your interests in studying abroad and ask them if there are academic department requirements to be aware of before you go abroad.
Step 3:
Complete either a Partner application OR a UM ISEP + ISEP application, and pay application fee(s).To start a Partner or UM ISEP application, navigate to the online UM program brochure for your top choice university by "Searching Programs" (to the left) and select "Apply Now".
Step 4:
Accept invite for application interview.Step 5:
Upon application acceptance, you'll be invited to register for and attend the Pre-Departure Orientation.This is a mandatory 1-credit course led by the Education Abroad team to help you feel confident, comfortable, prepared and excited - of course! - for your time abroad. Please know that you'll be registered for this course by the Education Abroad team upon acceptance, so you do not have to register via CyberBear.
Step 6:
Complete final requirements of host institution or ISEP application, as outlined by Education Abroad Coordinator and/or host institution or ISEP coordinator(s).Step 7:
Submit all post-decision requirements, and meet with your academic advisor to complete your Study Plan Approval Form for credit transfer.Step 8:
Purchase international insurance after your plane tickets. Note: do not pay for plane tickets or accommodation abroad until you've received the final acceptance from your program and/or host institution.Step 9:
Go abroad! Stay in touch with the Education Abroad Coordinator, take many pictures, and experience new things.The University of Montana places a high importance on serving every student and their specific needs. We welcome applications from members of diverse groups that have traditionally been underrepresented in study abroad programs, including multicultural students, students with disabilities, and non-traditional students. Please visit the Global Education Office website for more information and resources.